The perfect love we have been given in Jesus is able to cast out our fear of judgment by putting us into a community of forgiven sinners, whose unconditional love for us is a constant manifestation and reinforcement of God’s infinitely forgiving love for us in Jesus.
Readings and sermon were delivered by Pastor Aaron Mueller.
Order of service:
- Reflection on God's Forgiveness is from 1 Corinthians 15:20, 54-57
- Psalm reading is from Psalm 150
- First reading is from Acts 8:26–40
- Epistle reading is from 1 John 4
- Holy Gospel is from John 15:1–8
Songs and Hymns:
- My Savior's Love
Keith Getty, Matt Boswell, Matt Papa; © 2019 Getty Music Hymns and Songs
Getty Music Publishing, Love Your Enemies Publishing, Messenger Hymns
Admin. by Music Services, Inc. Used with permission CCLI license #20286740. - Oh, How Good It Is
Text and tune by Keith Getty, Kristyn Getty, Ross Holmes, Stuart Townend
© 2012 Getty Music
Used with permission, CCLI license # 20286740 - Magnificent Marvelous Matchless Love
Aaron Keyes, Keith Getty, Kristyn Getty, Luke Brown, Matt Papa;
© 2018 Getty Music Hymns and Songs, Getty Music Publishing;
© 2018 Love Your Enemies Publishing, 10000 Fathers, Common Hymnal Publishing;
Used with permission: CCLI license #20286740. - Chief of Sinners Though I Be
Text: William McComb, 1793–1873, alt.;
Tune: Richard Redhead, 1820–1901;
Text and tune: Public domain. - The Compassion Hymn
Text and tune by Stuart Townend, Kristyn Getty, Keith Getty
© 2008 Thankyou Music
Used with permission, CCLI License # 20286740 - Drawn to the Cross, Which Thou Hast Blessed
Text by Genevieve M. Irons
Tune by Joseph Barnby
Text and tune are public domain
- Gloria in Excelsis
- Text: Stephen P. Starke
- Sanctus
- Text: Stephen P. Starke
- Agnus Dei
- Text: Stephen P. Starke
- Nunc Dimittis
- Audio:
- Video:
- Watch on YouTube
- Sunday, Apr 28:
- Worship Service: 9 AM to 10:15 AM
- Adult Bible Study and Sunday School: 10:45 AM to 11:45 AM
- Discovering Christianity: 6 PM to 7:30 PM
- Wednesday, May 1:
- Men’s Bible Study: 6:30 AM to 7:30 AM
- Youth Group: 6:30 PM to 8 PM
- Saturday, May 4:
- Women’s Bible Study: 9 AM to 10:30 AM
- Ministry Spotlight – St. James Education Team
- Education Deacon: William Ellington
- Sunday School Teachers: William Ellington, Eric Robinson, Stacey Staake, Nic Schatte, McKenzie Brakenhoff, Suzie Robinson, Shala Carson
- Adult Bible Study Leaders: Aaron Mueller, Tina Barnard
Check out our Women’s Bible Study I Have Set My King on Zion:
- Saturdays, 9-10:30 AM, Fellowship Hall – 12 weeks long
- If you plan to bring your kids, please contact William at 618-407-4558 or
We are planning a VBS-style Summer Sunday School program centered on the Armor of God (Ephesians 6).
- This program will last all of June and July (9 weeks). We will have a launch party during Sunday School on June 2. We will have a closing party during Sunday School on July 28.
- We are looking for adult volunteers for each week of the program.
- If you would like to volunteer, please contact William at 618-407-4558 or
We are always looking for new teachers and substitute teachers! Help us cultivate a knowledge of and love for God’s word! If you would like to serve our church in this way, please contact William at 618-407-4558 or
- Easter Lillies
The Easter lilies have been removed from the altar but are available if you would like the bulbs from the lilies to contact Nic Schatte before May 5 at
- Youth Annual Yard Sale
As you start your Spring Cleaning, please be looking for items that you would be willing to donate to the Youth Yard Sale. The Yard Sale will be on Saturday, June 15. Items can be dropped off at church the week before. Funds raised will help with expenses for the Mission Trip and the 2025 Youth Gathering.
- 2024 MELHS Reunion Palooza
The 2024 MELHS Reunion Palooza will be on Saturday June 22, 2024 from 3 PM to 8 PM at the Edwardsville Township Park. The Class of 1984 is hosting this special reunion for all alumni and teachers from the 1981-1987 graduating classes to join our 40-year celebration. Please visit our website for a schedule of events and specific details. The cost to attend is $20.00 per person. For more information or questions email Don’t miss this exciting opportunity to reconnect and reminisce!
- Glen Carbon’s Covered Bridge 5K
St. James is excited to be supporting the Glen Carbon’s Covered Bridge 5K with volunteers on race day. This is a great community support opportunity for individuals and families. You can serve on the support team on race day; run the race if you’d like; and stay for the festivities of the Glen Carbon Homecoming!
June 15, 2024 -
Covered Bridge, Main Street
198 S. Main Street, Glen Carbon, IL -
Sign up:
St. James’ Church Office Bulletin Board Sign-up sheet
or contact Jen Weber, or the church office.
- St. James Ministry Plan
The Ministry Planning team is excited to present the first St. James Ministry Plan! This plan is available today in the narthex, on the bulletin board, on the homepage of our website and will be sent to all members via email (if your current email is on file in the church office) and standard mail to each member household. If you have not received the plan and would like it mailed or emailed to you, please contact Cheryl in the church office.
- Was there really a global flood?
And is it true that Jonah was swallowed by a giant fish and survived? Did Moses actually part the Red Sea? Or are these and other Old Testament stories simply illustrative allegories or myths?
That’s the topic of our newest episode of Craving Answers, Craving God. It’s Episode 90 on your favorite podcast platform.
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