In Psalm 2 Yahweh calls the Messiah his firstborn son, laughs at all their enemies who long to rebel against his rightful authority, and warns all the nations of the earth to submit to the Son lest they be destroyed. Readings and Sermon: Pastor Aaron Mueller. Order of...
The Bible insists that the motive for God the Father sending his Son to be the Savior of the world is his life-giving (he gave up his life to be a propitiation for our sins) and life-saving (he came so we might live through him) love! And now, although we cannot see...
When Elizabeth and Mary first meet after they both became pregnant, Elizabeth and her baby – the future John the Baptist – respond to Mary's unborn child, Jesus, with joy, recognizing that he is God, recognizing that he is the one to put into action...
Jesus compared his and John’s ministry to kids who play a game where they play happy and sad music, but no one dances to their happy music and no one mourns at their sad music. His point: outside of the work of the Spirit, Law and Gospel do not satisfy the average...
Paul encourages the Philippians church to live counter-cultural lives in the middle of Caesar's realm, knowing that Jesus is the true Lord and trusting that he is about to make all things new. The way to do this is to live in the joy of the Lord, live with...
Amid the challenges of Israelite disobedience and the looming threat of Babylonian invasion, Habakkuk questions God’s actions and struggles with the problem of evil. Yet, God responds by reminding him that His promises will be fulfilled in His time, and the righteous...