About Glen-Ed Pantry

About Glen-Ed Pantry

What we do: Weprovide food and donated clothing and household items to persons and families in need in Edwardsville District.  For more than 40 years, Glen-Ed Pantry has been working for and with the community to provide food and services with dignity and...
Meals for Moms

Meals for Moms

The Meals for Moms ministry is a wonderful way our St. James family supports new parents. When a congregation member has a new baby arrive in their family, a member of the M4M team coordinates a schedule and any special dietary considerations with the family. Then a...
St. James Cradle Roll

St. James Cradle Roll

Welcoming our newest congregation members! This ministry is a way to welcome our newest congregation members to our church family – right from the very beginning! It is our privilege, as part of the body of Christ, to build one another up in love. Within the...
Glen-Ed Pantry

Glen-Ed Pantry

St. James has partnered with Glen-Ed Pantry for many years by collecting and delivering grocery donations to the pantry. Our church also participates in special collections and events throughout the year such as the “Pack the Backpack” school supply drive and...