The people Jesus is talking to in John 8 really do believe that they are free, in spite of the fact that they really are under the thumb of the Roman Empire. But instead of framing their problem as a purely political problem, Jesus says that the problem at its root is sinfulness – theirs and others! And unless they are freed from this sin they will always be slaves. But Jesus has come to join himself to his people, making them his sons and daughters, and giving them the world as an inheritance. In other words, Jesus turns us from slaves into sons.
Readings: Jonah Wilson. Sermon: Pastor Aaron Mueller.
Order of service:
- Assurance of Forgiveness is from Psalm 40:1-3
- Psalm reading is from Psalm 46
- Revelation reading is from Revelation 14:6–7
- Epistle reading is from Romans 3:19–28
- Holy Gospel is from John 8:31–36
Songs and Hymns:
- By Faith
Text and tune by Keith Getty, Kristyn Getty, and Stuart Townend
© 2009 Thankyou Music | © Getty Music
Used with permission, CCLI license # 20286740 - A Mighty Fortress Is Our God
Text and tune by Martin Luther
Public domain - Christus Victor
Matt Boswell, Bryan Fowler, Keith Getty, Kristyn Getty, Matt Papa
© 2024 Getty Music Publishing (BMI), Messenger Hymns (BMI), LIVINGHYMNS (BMI),
Getty Music Hymns and Songs (ASCAP), Love Your Enemies Publishing (ASCAP)
Used with permission: CCLI license #20286740 - Praise the One Who Breaks the Darkness
Text by Rusty Edwards, © 1987 Hope Publishing Co.
Used with permission, LSB Hymn License #110001220
Tune by The Sacred Harp, 1844, public domain - By Grace Alone
Text by Martin Luther
Tune by David Ward, © 2002
Used with permission, CCLI license # 20286740 - Oh, for a Thousand Tongues to Sing
Text: Charles Wesley
Tune: Carl G. Glaser
Public domain - Lord, Dismiss Us with Your Blessing
Text: John Fawcett
Tune: Henry T. Smart
Public domain
- Kyrie
Text: Jaroslav J. Vajda
Music: Columbian Harmony
Text and music: © 1990 Concordia Publishing House
Used with permission: One License #728607-A - Gloria
Text: Jaroslav J. Vajda, © 1990 Concordia Publishing House,
Used with permission, One License #728607-A;
Tune: Felix Mendelssohn, public domain. - Credo
Text: Jaroslav J. Vajda, © 1990 Concordia Publishing House,
used with permission, One License 728607-A.
Tune: Welsh, pubic domain. - Sanctus
Text: Jaroslav J. Vajda, © 1990 Concordia Publishing House,
used with permission, One License 728607-A.
Tune: John B. Dykes, public domain. - Agnus Dei
Text: Jaroslav J. Vajda, © 1990 Concordia Publishing House,
used with permission, CCLI license #20286740.
Tune: Lowell Mason, 1792-1872, public domain.
- Audio:
- Video:
- Watch on YouTube
- Sunday, Oct 27:
- Worship Service: 9 AM to 10:15 AM
- Sunday School: 10:45 AM to 11:45 AM
- Adult Bible Study: 10:45 AM to 11:45 AM
- Youth Confirmation: 11:45 AM to 12:45 PM
- Metro-East Lutheran High School Open House: 1 PM to 3 PM
Metro-East Lutheran High School invites you to an Open House today, Oct. 27. Stop by anytime between 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. to tour our campus, meet our teachers, chat with administrators, and get answers to all of your questions about the Knight life. For more information, call the school office at 618-656-0043 or email
- Wednesday, Oct 30:
- Men’s Bible Study: 6:30 AM to 7:30 AM
- Youth Group @ The Staake's Home: 6:30 PM to 8 PM
- Friday, Nov 1:
- MELHS 45th Annual Night of Knights Dinner Auction: 5 PM
Metro-East Lutheran High School will host its 45th annual Night of Knights Dinner Auction on Friday, Nov. 1, at Julia’s Banquet Center in East Alton. Doors open at 5 PM, with dinner at 6:30 PM. Tickets are now available to purchase online at For more information, email
- Sunday, Nov 10:
- Surviving the Holidays from GriefShare to be held at Zion Bethalto: 2:30 PM to 4:30 PM
Surviving the Holidays — a special free GriefShare event for those grieving the loss of loved ones — will take place in the church sanctuary at Zion Lutheran Church, Bethalto, on Sunday, November 10, 2024, from 2:30 to 4:30 PM. Adults and teens are invited to hear a presentation about resources, strategies and tools for coping with grief during the holiday season. For more information, call the church office at 618-377-8314. Go to to find more details and register for the event.
- Call for Nominations
We are extending the deadline for pastoral nominations until November 3. You may submit names to or to any member of the call committee. Please continue to pray for our church, the committee, and the pastor whom God will provide for us.
- Second Tuesday Women’s Bible Study
- Who: If you’re an adult woman, you’re invited!
- What: Another opportunity to engage in community! A women’s Bible Study (Whatever – Keeping Your Heart in Tune with Whatever Life Brings)
- Where: St. James Fellowship Hall
- When: The Second Tuesday of each month from 6:00 – 8:00 PM
Our first meeting will be Tuesday Nov. 12th, and it will be a Friendsgiving theme. A fun take on a traditional holiday meal. Meat will be provided, and guests are asked to bring a side dish or dessert. The first meeting will be a get-to-know everyone and a brief introduction to the study we will be doing. There is a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board. Please either sign up there or text Shala Baker at 618-315-0788 if you plan to come and what you want to bring.
- Glen-Ed Pantry suggests you “TP the Pantry” in October
Toilet paper, paper towels as well as hygiene products are basic needs for everyone but are not covered by SNAP (Food Stamps). By donating these items, you help our families’ dollars to go much further. Thank you!
- Nursery Attendants Needed
We would love to provide nursery care during worship service in the Fellowship Hall Nursery Room. Ideally, we can create a rotating schedule of no less than 5 volunteers. If you are able to serve in this capacity, please contact Cheryl in the church office, 618-288-6120 or
- Lutheran Witness Subscriptions
If you are interested in subscribing to the Lutheran Witness magazine through St. James, please contact Cheryl in the church office no later than November 3rd. One-year subscriptions are $27.85.
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