When God makes a covenant with Israel after they escaped Egypt, he committed himself to it with a covenant cutting ceremony: the blood of an ox was divided in half, with one half thrown toward God (the altar) and the other half thrown toward the people of Israel. In other words, if God or the people violated the covenant they had made themselves liable to being cut up like the ox. But when God's people break covenant, God comes up with a way to maintain the covenant without destroying his rebellious people.

Readings and sermon were delivered by Pastor Aaron Mueller.

Order of service:

Holy Thursday, Apr 6, 2023


Reflection on God's Forgiveness is from Romans 5:8-11
Psalm reading is from Psalm 116:12-19
Old Testament reading is from Exodus 24:3–11
Epistle reading is from Hebrews 9:11–22
Holy Gospel is from Matthew 26:17–30


When You Woke That Thursday Morning
Text: Jaroslav J. Vajda, 1919–2008; © 1991 Concordia Publishing House.
Tune: Marty Haugen, 1950; © 1987 GIA Publications, Inc.
Used with permission: LSB Hymn License #110001220.
Jesus Paid It All
Text by Elvina M. Hall
Tune by John T. Grape
Public domain
Fernando Ortega
© 2004 Cerdo Verde Music
© 2004 Curb Songs
Used with permission: CCLI license #20286740
Come to Calvary’s Holy Mountain
Text by James Montgomery
Tune by Ludvig M. Lindeman
Public domain
Eat This Bread
Text: Stephen P. Starke (sts. 1-2), © 1998 Concordia Publishing House; Robert J. Batastini (sts. 3-5, ref.)
Tune: Jacques Berthier, © 1984 Ateliers et Presses de Taizé, Taizé Community, France,
admin. GIA Publications, Inc.
Used with permission, LSB Hymn License #110001220
Be Unto Your Name
Text and tune by Gary Sadler and Lynn DeShazo
© 1998 Integrity’s Hosanna! Music
Used with permission, CCLI license # 20286740


Text: Stephen P. Starke
Agnus Dei
Text: Stephen P. Starke
Nunc Dimittis


Watch on YouTube


Friday, Apr 7:
Good Friday Worship Service: 7 PM to 7:45 PM
Sunday, Apr 9:
Easter Sunday Worship Service: 9 AM to 10:15 AM
Easter Brunch and Easter Egg Hunt: 10:30 AM

The Fellowship Team invites you to stay after worship next week for Easter brunch and an Easter egg hunt for the children. Please join us in-community and please bring a basket if your child will participate in the egg hunt.

Tuesday, Apr 11:
Youth Group: 6:30 PM to 8 PM
Wednesday, Apr 12:
Men’s Bible Study: 6:30 AM to 7:30 AM
Have you completed the VisionPath Survey?

St. James has contracted with LCEF (Lutheran Church Extension Fund) to facilitate our VisionPath process.

The intention of the VisionPath process is to clarify the purpose of our church with the goal of creating a one sentence guiding statement by seeking God’s vision for St. James.

  • What is our purpose?
  • Why does St. James exist?
  • What is our identity?
  • “Who are we, Lord?” and “Why do you have us here, Lord?”

This process began with our LCEF facilitator, Rev. Tom Eggebrecht challenging us to gather a VisionPath team. The following people are serving on the VisionPath Team: Eric Robinson, William Ellington, Tina Enke, Jamie Moldenhauer, Rod Nathan, Doug Roher, Nic Schatte, and Cheryl Schnicker. This team will meet four times over the course of the process: first to choose the questions for a congregation vision survey; second, gather with the rest of the congregation for a vision event; third, to condense comments and information from the vision event (May 4th); and finally, to write the guiding statement.

How can you be involved?

  • Prayer – The VisionPath process’ purpose is to seek the Lord’s guidance in clarifying our identity and purpose as a congregation. We can not do that without being in conversation with God through prayer. The St. James Prayer Team will be specifically praying for this process and for St. James. Additionally, we would like every person who calls St. James home to also be in prayer with the team.
  • Participate in the VisionPath survey (April 2 – 23). If you need any assistance in accessing or completing the survey, please contact the church office to have a VisionPath Team member contact you.
  • Attend the Vision Event (May 4). Every member counts! Please mark your calendars to attend this important event which will include a meal and free babysitting will be available.

The VisionPath survey will be distributed digitally and available in hardcopy in the narthex starting Sunday, April 2nd and ending Sunday, April 23rd. All surveys submitted will be anonymous with only Tom Eggebrecht receiving the responses. He will then condense the surveys into meaningful themes to be shared with the VisionPath Team.

Please watch the weekly announcements for updates on this process and details about the vision event to be held on May 4th.

St James Member Pictorial Directory

St. James’ Member Pictorial Directory was distributed via email earlier this year. The digital version is updated quarterly and available in the digital newsletter. We do have a few printed copies available in the church office for members who do not use email. If you need a printed version or you did not receive it via email, and would like to, please contact Cheryl at the church office – 618-288-6120 or cheryl@stjamesglencarbon.org.

Save the Date – May 4th: St. James’ Vision Event

Please mark your calendars to join us on May 4th for this ALL MEMBER EVENT. Dinner and babysitting will be provided. Watch for more information.

Youth Annual Yard Sale

As you start your Spring Cleaning, please be looking for items that you would be willing to donate to the Youth Yard Sale. The Yard Sale will be on Saturday, June 17. Items can be dropped off at church the week before. Funds raised will help with expenses for the Mission Trip and the 2025 Youth Gathering.

St James Youth Group Mission Trip to Northern Minnesota

The St. James Youth Group is planning a Mission Trip to Northern Minnesota from July 7-15. We are looking for Junior High and High School Youth as well as adults to make the trip with us. Please contact Ruth Thompson (ruth.thompson@melhs.org or 314-985-0805) if you would like more information.

Community Groups

There is a community group ready to welcome you! If you are interested in joining a group, please contact Shanna at shannacovarrubias@saintjamesglencarbon.org for locations and times available, or call the church office.

Ministry Opportunities
Sunday School Needs YOU!

We are very blessed with wonderful Sunday School teachers that share Jesus every week with our children. With summer approaching, and a new summer Sunday school program beginning in June, it’s a perfect time to give them a break! To that end, we are seeking aides to assist with the Sunday morning program. There is No preparation or experience necessary. The program and curriculum is set, but adults are needed to help assist the leader on Sunday mornings. If you feel called to serve in this way, please contact Cheryl in the church office or email at cheryl@stjamesglencarbon.org.

Sunday School Teacher Needed

Sunday School Teacher Needed for the “Grades 3-5” class starting in August. If you feel called to serve in this way, please contact Cheryl in the church office.

Volunteers Needed to Help with Audio and Video

Are you interested in learning a new skill or picking up a new hobby that can support the ministry at St James? St James could really use your help to ensure that we are able to continue offering audio and video recordings and live streaming of our worship services.

No experience required. The media ministry and technology team is in need of individuals that can assist with audio or video and cameras during worship and other events at St James.

All tasks are easy to learn regardless of your age! Whether you have never done any of them or are an experienced audio engineer or video producer, your help would be greatly appreciated and welcomed. If you are interested or have questions regarding this opportunity, please email Larry O’Leary <larry@stjamesglencarbon.org> or contact the church office.

The Altar Guild is in need of volunteers!

This could be a great individual or family service opportunity. If you’re available to assist one Sunday per month or more, contact judyreese@saintjamesglencarbon.org or call the church office for more information!

Help Fill Glen-Ed Pantry’s Shelves

Help Fill Glen-Ed Pantry’s Shelves with Most-Needed Items. Consider donating some items Glen-Ed Pantry always needs: pasta side dishes, hamburger helper meal starters, oatmeal, breakfast bars, pop-tarts, saltines, other crackers, jelly, ketchup, mayo, mustard, all condiments, spices, white sugar, flour, cooking oil, pancake syrup, laundry detergent and dish soap. Donation Idea: Glen-Pantry runs because of volunteers.

Go to www.glenedpantry.org and find out about regular or special project volunteer opportunities.
