Judah was devastated by Babylon's conquest, but in the resulting exile God promised them that while earthly kingdoms come and go, his word would stand forever.

This word has been preached to God's people by prophets who have announced that God is planning to return in all his glory to live with his people, forgive their sins, and end the warfare against them. And now he calls all of us to offer this salvation comfort to each other and to the world which desperately needs it.

Readings and sermon were delivered by Pastor Aaron Mueller.

Order of service:

Midweek Advent Service, Nov 30, 2022


Psalm reading is from Psalm 34
Old Testament reading is from Isaiah 40:1–8


Comfort, Comfort Ye My People
Text: Johann Olearius, tr. Catherine Winkworth
Tune: Trente Quatre Pseaumes de David, 1551, Geneva
Public domain
Text: Luke 1:46 (ESV), public domain.
Tune: David Schack (b. 1947), © 2006 Lutheran Service Book, used with permission,
LSB Hymn License no. 110001220.
Thy Strong Word
Text by Martin H. Franzmann
© 1969 Concordia Publishing House, used with permission, CCLI license # 20286740
Tune by Thomas J. Williams, public domain


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