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How to Vote as a Christian – Twenty-fourth Sunday after Pentecost
Since we are called to live out the vocations God has assigned us with faithfulness to Jesus and his gospel, Christians should see their civic vocation as a subset of their primary loyalty to Jesus as citizens of the kingdom of God. This faith will then control how we live as citizens of the earthly country where God has placed us.
Readings: Jonah Wilson. Sermon: Pastor Aaron Mueller.
The Truth Will Set You Free – Reformation Day
Humans highly treasure freedom, and many of us like to believe we are free. But Jesus tells us in John 8 that no one is free unless they know and have been liberated by him.
Readings: Jonah Wilson. Sermon: Pastor Aaron Mueller.
The Wrong Way and the Right Way to View Money – Twenty-second Sunday after Pentecost
The question of whether Christians should have a negative or positive view of money is answered by whether the Christian views his or her money as a god or as a gift, as a source of salvation or one of amongst many gifts given to us by the God who alone can save.
Readings and Sermon: Pastor Aaron Mueller.
Misusing the Law – Twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost
The discussion between Jesus and the rich young man revolves around the young man's inability to see the Law of God as anything more than a way for humans to display their goodness or their badness. But Jesus calls him to see the Law, instead, as a display of the unique and infinite goodness of God. And while this way of looking at the Law takes us out of the equation, it also has the effect of separating us from the God we hope our Law-keeping can connect us to. Jesus solves this problem by calling the young man deeper into God's heart by pointing out that while humans can't be good, God can – by giving up everything he owns (his own life!) and giving it to the poor (by saving us from ourselves and from destruction!).
Readings: Jonah Wilson. Sermon: Pastor Aaron Mueller.
Better Than the Angels – Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost
The writer of Hebrews argues that Jesus is the mediator of the better, new covenant. As part of this argument, he shows how the angels — who mediated the covenant with Moses on Sinai — are outshone by the glory and power of the suffering and risen Jesus.
Readings and Sermon: Pastor Aaron Mueller.
Patience in Hope – Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost
The importance of patience as a Christian virtue is linked to the vital necessity of faith in Jesus. For those whose hope is in the return of the crucified and risen Christ, patiently allowing him to do the good work he's begun in us and in the rest of the Church reflects our confidence that he will ultimately act to rescue us out of his goodness and mercy.
Readings and Sermon: Pastor Aaron Mueller.
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