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The New Covenant – Midweek Lent Service

The inability of God's people to keep his covenant creates a dilemma for God. Will he stay faithful to his plan to rescue his world through his chosen people, or will he give up on humans altogether? Jeremiah's answer: he will remain faithful to his people and he will do so by giving them a new covenant.

Readings and sermon were delivered by Pastor Aaron Mueller.

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The Sympathetic and Obedient Priest – Fifth Sunday in Lent

Jesus is the great high priest the Aaronic high priests pointed toward – he is the only one chosen by God to perfectly mediates between God and humanity, and he does so with sympathy for our weakness and ignorance.

Readings and sermon were delivered by Pastor Aaron Mueller.

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From Death to Life – Midweek Lent Service

Death is the human problem. All attempts to eradicate it, mitigate it, or make it easier to cope with have failed. But God’s mercy in Jesus has now eliminated its power and someday its existence.

Readings and sermon were delivered by Pastor Aaron Mueller.

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A Fresh Look at the Ten Commandments – Midweek Lent Service

The Ten Commandments are less about rules we should keep and more a description of the Creator God's own heart, a heart he wants his people to reflect in their lives with each other and in their lives before the world.

Readings and sermon were delivered by Pastor Aaron Mueller.

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