Cutting through the noise to find the truth about life, faith, and God.
Latest Episode
Is the Bible a “Love Letter” from God?
An idea frequently heard from contemporary Christians is that the Bible is God’s “love letter” to humanity. But is this true? And if it is, why does so much of the Bible not read like a love letter? In this episode Chuck and Aaron discuss the question of the Bible’s genre and its relationship to God’s love.
Episode 109 | 34 minutes
How Do I Know I’m Saved? (Ep91)
The Great Flood (Ep90)
Some modern people find certain stories – like the story of Noah and the Great Flood – difficult to believe. Is this story true? And if it is true, what does it mean? Chuck and Aaron talk about how stories like Noah’s Flood fit into the bigger story of the Bible and make sense of many important historical and theological themes.
Why Go to Church (Ep89)
Christianity and Legalism (Ep88)
Legalism is the belief that humans flourish best when they have order, structure, and rules to guide them. Christianity, while definitely providing order and rules for living, holds that humans flourish best when in relationship, especially the relationship all humans were created for – with the creator God in Jesus.
Is Christianity a Psychological Crutch? (Ep87)
In a materialist age, Christianity appears to some committed secularists to be a crutch – a psychological prop weak-minded religious people need for some sort of support or comfort. Chuck and Aaron talk about how those who make that charge are (partially) correct in their assessment of how Christianity functions in the life of believers but also very hypocritical in their unwillingness to acknowledge their own psychological crutches.
Christianity and Stoicism (Ep86)
The ancient philosophy Stoicism is making quite a comeback in today’s culture, largely by offering an alternative to our culture’s commitment to personal, instantaneous pleasure as the highest good. And why Christianity certainly agrees with Stoicism about the problems of our post-sexual revolution Western culture, the two worldviews also diverge at important points.
In this episode, Chuck and Aaron talk about the similarities and differences between Christianity and Stoicism.
Are Atheists Smart and Christians Dumb? (Ep85)
It’s commonly said in skeptical circles that atheists are logical and rational while Christian believers are superstitious and irrational; in other words, that atheists are smart while Christians are dumb. Is this true; and if it is, what does it tell us about the nature of the disagreements between skeptics and believers? Chuck and Aaron discuss the role intelligence plays in questions about God, and what Christianity has to offer people of all psychological makeups that attracts so many.
Christianity and Islam (Ep84)
Islam is the second largest religion in the world after Christianity. The growing population of Muslims in the West has caused many secularists (as well as many Christians) to be alarmed at their expanding influence, but what do Muslims believe and how should Christians interact with their Muslim neighbors?
Christianity and Current Events (Ep83)
Should Christians speak out on current events, or should they stick to “religion” and keep quiet? Chuck and Aaron talk about the Christian vocation of speaking and living the gospel in the context God has placed us, but doing it in a way that doesn’t cave in to the culture’s false left/right dichotomy.
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