Cutting through the noise to find the truth about life, faith, and God.

Chuck Rathert and Aaron Mueller discuss issues and questions that are on the minds of people who are wrestling with the problems of existence and meaning, and explore how Christianity can answer these questions in a way that satisfies the longing of the human heart.

Latest Episode

Is It Okay to Wear a Cross?

Many people in our culture wear cross necklaces and jewelry, maybe aware or maybe unaware that the cross marks for Christians the central fact of their faith – the suffering of God himself. In this episode Chuck and Aaron talk about the appropriateness of using this symbol to adorn one’s body.

Episode 110    |    35 minutes

Christianity and Current Events (Ep83)

Christianity and Current Events (Ep83)

Should Christians speak out on current events, or should they stick to “religion” and keep quiet? Chuck and Aaron talk about the Christian vocation of speaking and living the gospel in the context God has placed us, but doing it in a way that doesn’t cave in to the culture’s false left/right dichotomy.

Should a Christian Watch Modern Movies? (Ep82)

Should a Christian Watch Modern Movies? (Ep82)

Christians are called to be in the world but not of the world, but this simple statement ends up being more complex in practice. Chuck and Aaron discuss how Christians can engage with the artistic expressions of our culture while maintaining the Gospel reality that Jesus’ kingdom stands against and has the power to redeem our culture’s attempts to replace him.

How to Walk with Someone Who is Suffering (Ep81)

How to Walk with Someone Who is Suffering (Ep81)

Many people struggle to be present with someone they care for who is suffering or grieving. The need to say comforting things but not having the right words sometimes causes us to avoid our suffering friends, but shunning is just as harmful as talking inappropriately. In this episode Chuck and Aaron talk about how to walk with someone who is suffering in a way that is healing and hopeful.

Christian Masculinity (Ep80)

Christian Masculinity (Ep80)

Toxic masculinity has provided an easy target for those who want to critique traditional notions of gender and gender relationship, but the most common alternative to toxic masculinity in our culture appears to be a self-absorbed narcissistic male, concerned only with his own pleasure and power. Chuck and Aaron discuss the biblical option to both these unfortunate stereotypes: a vision of masculinity that is self-giving and leads by sacrificially serving, a masculinity whose foundation is the character of God in the one true man, Jesus Christ.

Living Hope in a Secular Age (Ep79)

Living Hope in a Secular Age (Ep79)

The promise of Enlightenment secularism was that, once freed from the shackles of religion and its God, humans would be liberated to experience happiness and freedom for themselves. But by any metric this happy freedom has not materialized in the West. Chuck and Aaron talk about why this might be the case and point toward a hopeful but challenging solution to the great modern malaise.

Christianity and America (Ep78)

Christianity and America (Ep78)

Christians are both citizens of a particular earthly country, but also – and more fundamentally – citizens of heaven. How are Christians to navigate their ultimate identity in Jesus’ kingdom and their simultaneous vocation as members of an earthly community? Chuck and Aaron discuss here the relationship between Christianity and civic responsibility.

Grace (Ep77)

Grace (Ep77)

Grace is a fundamental concept for Christianity – the reality that every good thing comes from God and not from ourselves is the foundation of the biblical reality of salvation and life as a gift of Jesus.

Spiritual Gifts (Ep76)

Spiritual Gifts (Ep76)

The spiritual gifts are a frequently discussed and just as frequently misunderstood topic amongst Christians. But the gifts given to Jesus’ people by the Holy Spirit are quite simply the way God unites the diverse individuals who belong to him into one cohesive family.

Dating (Ep75)

Dating (Ep75)

Dating is a regular part of the social fabric of current American life, but its presence in our cultural makeup is a relatively new thing. Where did dating come from? What can it tell us about love, relationships, and ourselves? And does the current dating scene promote or hinder the type of selfless love which produces healthy human experience? Chuck and Aaron talk about dating and what it says about our current postmodern struggles with self-centeredness.

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