Have you prayed to God and felt your prayer wasn't answered, or not according to your timeline? In today's reading we see Jesus at a wedding party where the wine has run out—a serious embarrassment for the hosts.
Jesus' mother Mary makes a faith-filled request, showing she understands and believes her Son has the power to fix the problem.
He doesn't answer her request immediately—but He ultimately responds, and in a way none would have anticipated.
In the same way, Jesus, now enthroned in heaven's glory, still hears our requests, though He may not respond according to our timeline or our preconception. This teaches us that He is in charge, not us.
The waiting is also a test of our faith and an opportunity to mature and grown in our trust in Him. Typically, His answer to our faith-filled prayers is far better than we ever could have anticipated. Wait and see!
Readings and Sermon: Pastor Jonathan Lange.
Order of service:
- Psalm reading is from Psalm 128
- First reading is from Isaiah 62:1–5
- Epistle reading is from 1 Corinthians 12:1–11
- Holy Gospel is from John 2:1–11
Songs and Hymns:
- The People That in Darkness Sat
Text: John Morison, 1749–98, alt.
Tune: Nicolaus Herman, c. 1480–1561
Text and tune: Public domain - Songs of Thankfulness and Praise
Text: Christopher Wordsworth, 1807–85, alt.
Tune: George J. Elvey, 1816–93
Text and tune: Public domain - When The Stars Burn Down
Jennie Lee Riddle, Jonathan Lee
© 2010 JLee Publishing; Universal Music – Brentwood Benson Tunes; Integrity’s Praise! Music
Used with permission: CCLI license #20286740 - Come, Join in Cana’s Feast
Text: Herman G. Stuempe, Jr., 1923–2007
© 1993 The Hymn Society, admin. Hope Publishing Co.
Used with permission: LSB Hymn License #110001220
Tune: Johann Balthasar König, 1691–1758; adapt. William H. Havergal, 1793–1870
Public domain - There Is a Redeemer
Melody Green
© 1982 Universal Music – Brentwood Benson Publishing
© 1982 Birdwing Music, © 1982 Ears To Hear
Used with permission: CCLI license #20286740 - Keep the Feast
Ben Shive, Skye Peterson
© 2024 Getty Music Publishing (BMI), Beehive Hymns (BMI)
Used with permission: CCLI license #20286740 - Sent Forth by God’s Blessing
Text: Omer E. Westendorf
© 1964 World Library Publications, used with permission, CCLI license # 20286740
Tune: Welsh, public domain
- Gloria in Excelsis
- Text: Stephen P. Starke
- Sanctus
- Text: Stephen P. Starke
- Agnus Dei
- Text: Stephen P. Starke
- Audio:
- Video:
- Watch on YouTube
- Sunday, Jan 19:
- Worship Service: 9 AM to 10:15 AM
- Special Congregational Meeting: 10:15 AM
Immediately following worship. Topic will be 2025 budget approval.
- No Sunday School
- No Adult Bible Study
- No Youth Confirmation
- Wednesday, Jan 22:
- Men’s Bible Study: 6:30 AM to 7:30 AM
- Youth Group @ The Staake's Home: 6:30 PM to 8 PM
- Saturday, Jan 25:
- Women’s Bible Study: 10 AM to 11:30 AM
- Call Committee Update
The call committee submitted nominations to the district in December for further information on each candidate. The committee continues to meet in preparation for the interview process. If you have questions or concerns, please speak to a member of the committee or email callcommittee@stjamesglencarbon.org. Please continue to pray for the committee, our church, and the person God will provide for us.
- Kitchen Note
As you are using the kitchen and notice we are running low on something, please write it on the notepad on the fridge. If there is an immediate need, please let Jen Weber know at jen@stjamesglencarbon.org.
- Mosaic Baby Bottle Campaign
January is Life Month! To celebrate life, we are excited to be hosting a baby bottle campaign! The campaign is underway! Bottles are available in the narthex and should be returned by February 16th. Funds collected from this campaign help support Mosaic. Mosaic transforms lives by providing free, life- affirming pregnancy & sexual health services, education & Christ-centered support. You can also find out more about Mosaic and donate online at supportmosaic.org/donate. Mosaic has many volunteer opportunities such as throwing baby showers, stuffing packets or being a prayer warrior. You can find more information at supportmosaic.org/volunteer.
- A Note from Pastor Mueller and Family
Thank you for all your kind words and gifts these past few weeks! Our years at St. James were truly the best times of our family’s ministry lives together. Our kids grew up knowing the deep love of real Christian community, and that is by far the greatest gift you could have ever given us. We miss all of you, are praying for you, and look forward to being with you again soon! …Aaron and Angela
- 2025 Member Giving Envelopes
Member Giving Envelopes for 2025 are available on the credenza in the narthex.
- 2024 Member Giving Statements
2024 Member giving statements will be sent the last week of January via email to the email address on record. These are generated from our church reporting system and may go to your “junk/spam” folder. Please check these folders if you don’t see it by end of January. If you don’t receive the email or if you prefer a hard copy, please contact Cheryl in the church office at cheryl@stjamesglencarbon.org.
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