The Bible insists that the motive for God the Father sending his Son to be the Savior of the world is his life-giving (he gave up his life to be a propitiation for our sins) and life-saving (he came so we might live through him) love! And now, although we cannot see God physically with our eyes, we can experience this perfect life-giving and life-saving love of Jesus in the way those of us who have been saved by this love give ourselves up for each other.
Readings: Pastor Aaron Mueller, Jensen Frey. Sermon: Pastor Aaron Mueller.
Order of service:
- Old Testament reading is from Isaiah 7:10–14
- Epistle reading is from 1 John 4:7–16
- Holy Gospel is from Luke 2:1–14
Songs and Hymns:
- O Come, All Ye Faithful
Text and tune: John F. Wade
Public domain - O Little Town of Bethlehem
Text: Phillips Brooks, 1835–93;
Tune: Lewis H. Redner, 1831–1908;
Text and tune: Public domain. - What Child Is This
Text: by William C. Dix
Tune: English, 16th century
Public domain - Angels We Have Heard on High
Text: The Crown of Jesus, 1862
Tune: French
Public domain - It Came upon the Midnight Clear
Text: Edmund H. Sears
Tune: Richard S. Willis
Public domain - Hark! The Herald Angels Sing
Text: Charles Wesley
Tune: Felix Mendelssohn
Public domain - Silent Night, Holy Night
Text: Franz Gruber
Tune: Franz Joseph Mohr
Public domain
- Audio:
- Video:
- Watch on YouTube
- Tuesday, Dec 24:
- Christmas Eve Worship Service: 11:30 PM
- Wednesday, Dec 25:
- Christmas Day Worship Service: 9 AM
- Sunday, Dec 29:
- Worship Service: 9 AM to 10:15 AM
- Mueller Farewell Lunch @ MELHS: 12 PM
A farewell celebration for Pastor Mueller and his family will be held on Sunday, December 29th at noon at Metro East Lutheran High School and will be catered by Ravenelli’s. Today, December 15, is your last day to RSVP. The sign-up sheet in in the narthex. If you have any questions, please contact Jen Weber or Tina Enke.
- Saturday, Jan 4:
- Circle of Friends (LWML): 10 AM to 11:30 AM
Ladies of St. James… join us for our meeting in Fellowship Hall on Saturday, January 4th. Our topic will be Your Life is Sacred and we will have a hands-on mission project of making blankets of Love!
- Sunday, Jan 5:
- Special Congregational Meeting: 10:15 AM
There will be a special congregational meeting on January 5th immediately following worship service. Per the Annual Congregational Meeting, the St. James Elders and Budget Team have reviewed all the input from the December 8th Annual Meeting and all submitted concerns regarding the budget and will resubmit the 2025 budget for approval. All members are encouraged to attend.
- Saturday Women’s Bible Study – Starts Jan 11
Saturday Women’s Bible Study begins January 11. We’ll be using a CPH study titled: Waiting: A Bible Study on Patience, Hope and Trust. We’ll meet each Saturday at 10 AM for 9 sessions. (Except the first Saturday of each month when LWML meets.) Let us know if you’ll attend by signing up in the narthex or by texting Tina Barnard at 618-406-1932. Books, fellowship and childcare are free!
- Second Tuesday Women’s Bible Study
Our next meeting will be on Tuesday Jan. 14th from 6-8pm in the fellowship hall. We will be covering session 2 of Whatever – Keeping Your Heart in Tune with Whatever Life Brings. It’s cold outside!! If you’d like, please bring your favorite soup to share for a cook-off of sorts. Text Shala Baker with any questions at 618-315-0788.
- We need You!
The Altar Guild is asking for at least one person to serve the congregation by helping clear the altar and clean the communion vessels following the service. The commitment is about twice per month and is done between the service and Sunday School. Children are welcome to join provided they are assisted by a parent. Please contact Nic Schatte ( or call the church office with any questions.
- Save the Date (watch for details soon)
- January 12 – Mosaic Baby Bottle Campaign Begins
- January 17 – Community Group Mixer
- Thank You
Thank you to our Altar Guild Team and Music Team. We are so blessed by all the hard work and dedication you put into our worship service, especially during this busy holiday season. Your attention to detail, talents, and commitment enhances our worship experience and truly brings glory to God. Thank you for your tireless efforts and the love you pour into serving our St. James community.
- The True Meaning of Christmas
It’s been 2000 years since baby Jesus was born in Bethlehem. Since that time, the Church has been celebrating that all- important event. In our day, it could be argued that the true meaning of Christmas has been somewhat obscured. The newest episode of Craving Answers Craving God features a discussion on just that & the true meaning of Christmas. Check it out!
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