Over the past few months, our team has been hard at work behind the scenes to bring a new dimension to our worship experience. We’re thrilled to share an exciting development that will immerse you even more deeply into the heart of our congregational gatherings.

Introducing Congregational Microphones: A Symphony of Voices

In our ongoing commitment to improving the quality of our live streams and sermon podcasts, we’ve been conducting extensive tests with congregational microphones, also known as ambient microphones. These special microphones capture the essence of our collective worship, giving you a genuine “room feel” that transports you right into the heart of our sanctuary.

Why Congregational Microphones?

Traditional audio setups often focus on the pulpit or stage, inadvertently leaving out the rich tapestry of sounds that make our worship unique. The introduction of congregational microphones is designed to address this, ensuring that your experience extends beyond just the sermon. Now, you’ll be able to hear the entire congregation singing hymns, participating in responsive readings, and engaging in the shared expressions of worship that make our community special.

The Road to Permanence: Installation Update

We are thrilled to announce that over the next few weeks, we’ll be making the installation of congregational microphones permanent. This means that every worship service, event, and gathering will be enriched with the authentic sounds of our united voices. The seamless integration of these microphones represents a significant step forward in our efforts to create an inclusive and immersive worship experience for all.

Stay Connected: Share Your Thoughts

We value your feedback and want to hear your thoughts on this exciting development. Feel free to reach out to us with any questions, comments, or suggestions to larry@stjamesglencarbon.org. Your input is invaluable as we continue to enhance our worship environment for the entire St. James family.  
