St. James is currently holding two services – 9:00 AM and 10:15 AM. The 9:00 AM service will be limited to 50 people and will continue to require a sign up using the sign-up form.  The 10:15 AM service will not be limited and will not require a sign up.  Both services will continue to comply with social-distancing guidelines including wearing of masks.

The livestream service at 9 a.m. will continue indefinitely, and the Zoom Bible study will take place from 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. each Sunday.

Out of love for our neighbors, please wear a face mask when attending in-person worship. The church will provide masks for those who do not have one. Please indicate on the online sign-up form if you will need a church-provided mask. In addition, an infrared thermometer will be used upon entry to check temperatures, and the sanctuary will be sanitized before and after each service.

At this time, we would like to encourage our elderly and at-risk members to exercise caution when deciding whether to attend in-person worship until we arrive at more certainty about the diminishing or resurgence of this virus.
