“This is the time to be pro-life in Illinois!” proclaimed President Matthew Harrison, at the Illinois March for Life, held on Saturday, January 8th. The LCMS was one of the three main sponsors of the event and President Harrison gave the opening remarks and prayer. “Legal abortion did not begin with Roe and it will not end with Roe. The fact is that this state, Illinois, has passed the most draconian anti-life legislation in the history of the world. ….This state has shredded any protection for the unborn whatsoever. And so when Roe falls this year, people are going to be flocking to this state [Illinois] to have abortions.” he stated.

President Harrison was referring to the court case that the Supreme Court is now deliberating – Dobbs vs Jackson’s Women Health, which many think will overturn Roe vs Wade. If that happens, abortion regulation will be decided by each state. Most of the states surrounding Illinois currently have restrictive abortion laws and are thought to likely tighten their abortion laws once Roe falls. Some media are already deeming Illinois, “An Abortion Oasis”.

January 8 was my first time at the March.  I knew it would be a new experience for me, but I had no idea how inspiring it would be. It was intensely powerful to walk down Michigan Ave with a group of other Lutherans reciting the creed, praying the Lord’s prayer, and singing hymns I had only sang inside a church. I couldn’t help but tear up and have a few of them spill over down my cheeks. If you ever have a chance to go on the March, I highly recommend you give it a try.

I believe most Illinoisans, and certainly Lutherans, love children and families. The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod’s (LCMS) Life Ministry comes alongside Lutherans who are passionate about and engaged in sanctity-of-life efforts by providing networking opportunities and resources. As Lutherans, we speak for human life by witnessing to our Lord’s creation of life and His design for marriage and the family, and by advocating for the God-given value of all human life — from conception to natural death. In December 2021, the LCMS announced the Million Dollar Life Match, an exciting new matching grant opportunity to help LCMS congregations provide spiritual, emotional and physical care to strengthen families in communities across the United States. As the name suggests, this program offers a total of $1 million in matching grants to LCMS congregations in 2022 and 2023.

St. James will be prayerfully considering how we can utilize this matching group opportunity in the upcoming year.
