This is a friendship and hospitality ministry outreach to international students that God
is sending from all over the world to the Southern Illinois Campus in Edwardsville (SIUE). This campus
ministry is housed at Trinity Lutheran, Edwardsville.
International students arrive at SIUE with only two suitcases and have many household needs. Ways in which
congregations can assist in welcoming these friends from around the world are through providing
household items or with serving as friendship families. The items most needed are gently used: Beds or mattresses, bed sheets, small dressers, mirrors; Kitchen items, dishes, utinsils, pots, pans, microwaves, blenders; living room items, couches, lamps, TVs, rugs.; Bathroom items, towels, rugs, shower curtains. In the winter we are in need of coats (sm, md, lg), hats, and gloves.
If you can help with these items please contact: Bessie Fick at 515-230-9937, or
There is a great need for persons with pickups who could help transport donated large items. The
students do the loading. They are so grateful when they no longer have to sleep, sit, or eat on the floor,
which gets quite cold in winter.
Friendship families (IHP Host Family) welcome students to the Edwardsville area. Families are assigned
a student. They can meet with the student on campus, at home, or at an event. There are events
planned for all families to attend once a semester on campus, or events that are planned once a month
at Trinity. You can also plan your own events with your student. Families have invited students to
holiday meals, such as Thanksgiving or Christmas, some have invited student to decorate the Christmas
tree, and others have invited students to visit a church activity such as the Christmas program. Many of
the incoming students will request a friendship family who can help them answer questions of resources
in the area and make them feel welcome. There is a great need for families to befriend and welcome
them and to show them God’s love and care for them. This program is part of the International
Hospitality Program (IHP) at SIUE. There is an orientation process. If you are interested in serving in this
way, please contact the IHP President Jodi Cox at or contact (ISM Coordinator, Trinity Lutheran, Edwardsville).
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