Second Tuesday Women’s Bible Study

Second Tuesday Women’s Bible Study

Our next meeting will be on Tuesday, Feb. 11th from 6-8pm in Fellowship Hall. We will be covering session 3 of “Whatever – Keeping Your Heart in Tune With Whatever Life Brings”. Join us in celebrating our friendships and enjoy some sweets and good...
Congregational Meeting

Congregational Meeting

We will have a congregational meeting Sunday, September 1st at 10:45 AM. Copies of the Agenda and Ministry Plan are available in the narthex. Please contact Cheryl in the church office if you have any questions. The meeting topics will include: Appropriation of funds...
St. James Family Picnic

St. James Family Picnic

Sunday, September 8th – Noon at St. James What’s in store??? …Lots of fun, food and family activities! There will be outside games and fun for all! Bring a side or dessert for all to share (but if you forget or are unable to bring anything –...
VBS Finale – Pool Party!

VBS Finale – Pool Party!

When: Sunday, July 28, 2024 Time: Noon – 2:00 PM RSVP: Please join us for a pool party hosted by the Rathert’s on Sunday, July 28.  Families are requested to RSVP via text at 618-407-4558 or...
Summer Sunday School

Summer Sunday School

Summer Sunday School The Education Team Needs You!  Please consider signing up to assist one Sunday during the summer session.  Open slots can be found by clicking through the following link: Armor of God Summer Sunday School