Worship, or the act of ascribing worth, is a universal human activity. Every human being has something that he or she counts as the highest value in their life. These values will inevitably manifest themselves in worship activities: rituals, meals, economic activity, etc. Christian worship is no different: ascribing the highest worth to the creator God who meets us in the person of Jesus of Nazareth, Christians join together as a community to share a sacred meal, hear the sacred scriptures, and sing praises to the One they value highest. This value doesn’t make sense to most people, because a belief that Jesus is the highest object of worth in the entire universe can only happen when the Holy Spirit gives us this value. So while our human spirit can “worship” at the birth of a child, or the hearing of beautiful music, or the excitement of a dramatic sporting event; only by God’s Holy Spirit can our human spirit be convinced that the highest value is Jesus.


Aaron Mueller
Chuck Rathert

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